Why You Should Bring the CIO to Your MPS QBR Meeting

Traditionally, a Quarterly Business Review or QBR is about analyzing a team’s performance. Often it’s a sales squad, but it could also be about the team that delivers your Managed Print Services.

The typical performance-based MPS QBR considers how well the provider met their SLA. Traditionally, QBRs offer a retrospective view, and that’s important, but what if the scope expanded to focus on driving innovation? That’s a special point of view that goes beyond operational discussions into real innovation brainstorming. And that’s why your CIO might want the next QBR meeting on their calendar.

Data-Driven Insights and Transformative Ideas
Embedded MPS technology accumulates a lot of data that reveals gaps and opportunities, sometimes things the enterprise wasn’t even aware of. Armed with information, the MPS team comes to the QBR meeting with practical, up-to-date insights about the client’s processes and infrastructure. Since these are the same MPS professionals who are in your business every day, they bring credibility because they “live” your business.

That alone has tremendous value, but when the data is used to refine enterprise printing and information processes, it’s transformative. For example, the innovation-led QBR provides analytics on how paper moves around an enterprise. It spots printing spikes and process bottlenecks, which in turn, lead to opportunities to automate processes, minimize paper use and speed turnaround.

Steady Innovation Through Consistent Focus
The innovation-led QBR is a dynamic, but repeatable approach that brings discipline to innovation, instead of leaving it to chance or one-off efforts. Companies benefit from ongoing improvements created by a constant infusion of innovation. Over time, these gains add up to solid business transformation. Even small innovations accumulate value over time through productivity and incremental cost savings.

Consistent, data-driven QBR innovation can:

  • Drive your company to new heights of productivity and efficiency.
  • Deliver the competitive boost that pushes you to market leadership.
  • Ensure the seamless engagement that earns customer loyalty.

Reach Goals with an Innovation Road Map
The experienced Next Gen MPS team analyzes what’s been learned about your business and identifies a path to improve and optimize. The quarterly, data-driven review helps determine where to focus quarter by quarter to move the needle. This innovation road map makes it easier to move ahead with confidence, with data that confirms you’re making the right technology choices.

Who wouldn’t want to include senior leadership in a discussion like that?

Comparison with Industry Benchmarks and Best Practices
Enterprises operate at a disadvantage when they don’t know industry benchmarks for certain business processes. Next Gen providers are in a unique position to help clients see how they stack up compared to competitors. They can devise a professional plan to leverage technology and best practices to help you compete more effectively.

A Next Gen provider will work hard to find answers, but that requires asking the right questions first:

  • What have we learned about your business?
  • Where will innovation add value?
  • How will innovation boost efficiency?

Innovation is how Next Gen MPS providers deliver transformative value to enterprises, and the QBR makes this a repeatable, data-driven process. You might want to think of it as “Quarterly Business Innovation.” And you might want to think seriously about inviting the CIO. Or at least send them the link to this blog.

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  1. […] Innovation is how Next Gen MPS providers deliver transformative value to enterprises, and the QBR makes this a repeatable, data-driven process. You might want to think of it as “Quarterly Business Innovation.” And you might want to think seriously about inviting the CIO. Or at least send them the link to this blog. […]

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